Becoming a Dunlop School Ambassador offers a powerful opportunity to make a significant difference locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

Dunlop School Ambassadors are alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who are committed to training the next generation of biologists and advancing science in meaningful ways.

Through exclusive programming, scientific lectures and networking events, members have opportunities to connect and engage in meaningful ways.  And they set a new standard of philanthropy through leadership gifts in support of the Dean’s Excellence Fund.

Charter Membership

Join at the $1,500 Ambassador level and above prior to July 1, 2019, and you will be recognized on our donor wall, invited to the exclusive donor wall unveiling event, and recognized in perpetuity as a Dunlop School Ambassadors founding member.

Multiple levels of membership are available to fit your current and future commitment.

Junior Ambassador
$500 (annually)

Available to current students and graduates of the last decade (GOLD)

  • Listing in the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences online donor honor roll
  • Monthly newsletter, Dunlop School Connect
  • BSA networking events

$1,500 (annually)

All $500 level benefits, plus:

  • Name on donor recognition wall (Charter membership through July 2019)
  • Exclusive Dean’s Update Event
  • Recognition in Dunlop School Connect
  • Speaking opportunities in select classes

Distinguished Ambassador
$5,000 (annually)

All $1,500 level benefits, plus:

  • VIP dinner receptions prior to School lectures
  • Engagement with the Dean and students at a Donuts with the Dean event
  • Private family photo with Dean at Commencement (for current Dunlop School Parents)

Dean’s Ambassador

(advance commitment, payable over 5 years or less)
All $5,000 level benefits, plus:

  • Exclusive invitation to private gathering with the Dean at alumni/faculty residence